Moving Out
As much of a pain as moving into a dorm or apartment can be, moving out is that much tougher. It is my personal theory that junk breeds in closets, in dresser drawers, and under beds, so that you end up with about 3 times the stuff you took to college in the first place!
But it doesn't have to be this way! Here's how to make moving out a much less painful process:
Before The End of the Year
- Every month, go through your stuff and donate/give away unnecessary things to fellow dormmates or apartment neighbors. You can even set it on the curb with a "free" sign!
- If you go home a lot, each time you can take home a few things you don't need at school, but don't need to give away just yet.
- When going home for school holidays, evaluate your stuff and see if there's anything someone else could use more. Instant gift idea!
- If a campus group needs a fundraiser, suggest a yard sale and donate what you don't need.
A Few Days Before Move-Out
- Collect a few strong shopping bags for emergency packing needs.
- Pack up the non-essential items in the bags and boxes you took to school. Leave yourself your hygiene items, a few changes of clothes, your laundry bag, the shopping bags, cleaning supplies, your computer and charger, and your active schoolwork.
- Clean the dorm/apartment as thoroughly as possible. DUST LIKE MAD! LOL
- Check to see if there are donation centers on campus or in the community; anything you ended up not needing for college goes here.
- Sell back your textbook as soon as you finish each class.
Move-Out Day
- Have several friends and/or family members help you move your boxes and bags out.
- Prop the door open for easy coming and going, plus airing out.
- While they're carrying stuff down to the car(s), pack up your hygiene stuff, laundry bag, technology, and bookbag.
- Do a final wipe-down and sweep/vacuum of the room. (This also helps you collect anything you might have missed--which is where the shopping bags will come in handy)
- Pack up cleaning supplies and your extra shopping bags, and you are DONE!
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