What's Your Learning Style?
Every person has a specific learning and studying style. For instance, I am both an auditory and a kinesthetic learner--that means I primarily learn by hearing a teacher talk and doing hands-on activities. I also have a fairly photographic memory, however, which enables me to use a bit of visual learning as well.
But what do these labels (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) really mean? Read on!
Visual Learners
- Learn better from Powerpoints and pictures/illustrations in lecture classes
- Do better in math, science, and art
- Would benefit from using flashcards and using pictures to learn concepts
Auditory Learners
- Learn better from lectures, open discussion sessions and question/answer class settings
- Do better in English, foreign language, history, and music
- Would benefit from audiotaping class lectures and making up tests with a friend to verbally quiz each other
Kinesthetic Learners
- Learn better from class activities and group work
- Do better in sports, dance, social sciences, and psychology
- Would benefit from group study and rewriting/recompiling notes before tests
Determining what learning style you have is a giant step towards doing better in college! Which style do you resonate with most?
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