disguises - a layout archive

Version 12: Sheltering Branches

Click thumbnail for full-size view

Debuted in November 2011

matching button for this layout


My own pencil artwork!
Photoshop Elements 8.0
Fonts: Pristina, Tekton Pro, Book Antiqua, Verdana, Arial

Layout Structure

  • 2-column centered floated div layout
  • Two columns for content
  • Big image sliced up into header and background
  • HTML tables used to organize navigation and RSS feeds

New Techniques

  • Using Feed2JS.org to bring in RSS feeds on the main page
  • Drawing my own artwork and using it in a layout
  • Styling all those RSS feeds and social media widgets


  • This design is the first mostly-white layout since version 3!
  • This is also the first time my own artwork has appeared in one of my web designs. I hand-drew the tree and leaves with pencil on printer paper and scanned it into my computer.
  • I was really nervous about drawing anything for my site, since I don't consider myself an artist, but it actually turned out better than I expected.
  • To offset the stark white, I used a LOT of different shades of green, just like tree leaves!