Photoshop Elements 5.0
My own cell phone photography
Fonts: Pristina, Sylfaen, Times
Layout Structure
2-column centered layout
Two divs for content, floated left and right
GIANT header image
New Techniques
Centering the layout with margin: 0px auto
Floating divs
Using a massive header image
Switching from iframes to PHP includes
Javascript mouseovers for navigation links
Inspired by version 5, I went out and took pictures of the woods around my house for this layout.
This was the first time I used Javascript image mouseovers on a website! (See the highlighted "home" link in the full screenshot)
I recoded my entire domain in PHP for this version, to help move with the times and use divs instead of iframes. (Plus, a dear Internet friend showed me how to do PHP includes and I fell in love with their convenience.)
This layout was intended to change the domain over from a hobby site to a graduate school portfolio.
There was a previous version 8 I designed with a very different feel, but this is the one I ended up using.
I actually uploaded this design while I was hanging out at the gaming shop in my hometown, borrowing the shop's fast Internet because I still had nothing but dialup at home. #rurallivingproblems