One huge image, sliced in half; top half became the header, bottom half became the content background
New Techniques
Displaying image slices behind content divs
Using LJMagpie to import network updates from Livejournal
This is my absolute favorite layout I've ever done, and much of the reason is the beautiful, whimsical image.
I had to do a lot of code trickery (and some screaming at the computer screen, LOL) to get the sliced-up image to display correctly behind the content, but it finally worked out!
Unlike version 10, I didn't end up using any icons for navigation this time, because they made this layout feel more cluttered.
Due to a hard drive crash in late 2011, I lost all the files for this layout...that is, until March 2016, when I discovered the image files and much of the code still available through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine! Huzzah!