version 17 ~ the sacred sea
This gift page isn't the typical graphics page, as I am not very gifted with the creation of said graphics. What you'll find here, instead, is helpful thoughts and experiences I've had that might just change your life for the better, as they have changed mine.
Growth & Healing
- You do not have to believe what someone else taught you when you were too young to question.
- Questioning what you've been taught is the beginning of breaking out of the shell.
- What negative beliefs do you hold about yourself? Which ones came from what others told you? Are those really true?
- The best thing about growing up is learning that "grown-ups" are just human, and authority figures are just human, and so you are allowed to recognize their mistakes and learn how to avoid them.
- When doing "self improvement," it is not your soul that needs improving--it's more about learning better strategies for thinking. I find that "self improvement" feels a lot less insulting when viewed this way.
- I believed that I didn't deserve to get help for a long time because I wasn't "suffering enough." Don't fall for it. It is not shameful to receive help.
- It wasn't until the death of my mother that I realized I did not have unlimited time to just struggle along existing. If I did not want to end up sick, isolated, and exhausted as she did, I needed to change my plan of attack completely.
- Start by removing 1 item from your life each day. It can be a receipt, a broken pen, anything small...but just 1 item gone per day. That's 365 items gone in a year!
- Try the "none in, one out" rule. Don't bring new permanent items in, and remove 1 permanent item each day.
- When possible, donate unwanted stuff to shelters, thrift stores, used media stores, and other secondhand markets instead of just throwing it away. These places are treasure troves and your old stuff could really help someone else!
- Stop clutter even coming into the house with this thought process while shopping: "do I want to spend the rest of my life picking this up, cleaning/washing it, dusting around it, and/or making a place for it?"
Health & Adulting
- Before you start any exercise routine, get evaluated for physical therapy, especially if you are clumsy like me, have sprained or broken anything, or have not done a lot of physical activity in a long time. Physical therapy will help you learn how to move muscles correctly so that your exercise is better and easier.
- Daily stretching becomes a necessity as you pass your teen years. I follow a 6-7 minute yoga routine every night before bed and have experienced less pain and soreness upon waking.
- Posture problems lead to all sorts of suffering (headaches, neck pain, back pain, even leg cramps and knee problems). Getting these fixed with massage, physical therapy, chiropractic care, etc., will improve your life a lot.
- Night routines can be more robust than morning routines if you're not a morning person. I started doing all my bathing, etc at night several years ago and won't go back to miserable half-awake morning showers!
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